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Meditation Hand Gesture

Meridian Therapy event

Energy Therapy techniques produce change by gaining access to the energy system of the body through the complex network of meridians that move our life force or qi through our bodies. This event is free for our enrolled Diploma learners as part of the 7 free CPD events offered.

The next date available is October 2025  —  13 SPACES LEFT

Time: 9.30am – 1.30pm (remote access only)

Cost: £45 per person

Interactive learning so participants will take away a technique that works, that can be used on self or taught to clients – helps to reduce emotional and Psychological pain, reduce anxiety and panic attacks, reduce terror & fears, and so much more.

This technique, it has been suggested,  helps to remove blocks in our systems to enable more oxygen and blood to flow more freely throughout the body. Again, it has been suggested that psychosomatic illnesses manifest through blocked energy creating real biological unwellness.

Women in a meridian therapy session
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Book a CPD workshop and event

Remember – CPD training is available to both qualified counsellors and those with a general interest in such a career. If you have any questions or want to enrol, email us today.

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