Personal / Professional Counselling at our centres in Birmingham and Devon or free remote counselling via Zoom or a similar platform
Sometimes, when we least expect it, a difficulty arises that we simply cannot make sense of, or we are frightened, confused, angry or hurt. We just don’t know which way to turn for help, or who to turn to for help. This is a familiar feeling for a lot of people during a lifetime. You may not want to speak to friends or family. It may be that you don’t believe that they will understand, or perhaps you don’t wish to burden them with your problems. It may be a difficulty that you are embarrassed to talk about.
Our counsellors will never judge you, will not shame you and will not expect you to talk about anything you don't want to talk about.

We are here to support you
You might be feeling as though you are the only person in the world experiencing this problem and what you really need is a safe, confidential setting to explore the problem, to feel and to express your feelings safely whilst being fully supported, and to then be invited to think about how you want to deal with this issue that is creating this disturbance in your life and to finally be able to find the answers that best fit for you? to find your way and to do that without feeling coerced or advised. We can help you to do this.
Our trainee counsellors work with our partner agency, Health & Harmony providing counselling sessions. You need to be 18 or over to refer yourself, however, parents/carers can refer their child if they have legal parental rights for the child being referred, who must be over 13 years. Contact us and you could be sharing your burden with a counsellor within 24 hours.
Counsellor referrals
You will email us in the first instance with your telephone number and name only. Please do not explain any issues or difficulties you are experiencing.
If there is a counsellor available you will be referred and they will contact you to advise they can offer an appointment and will negotiate a day and a time for that to happen. If you do not get a response within 3 days of emailing us, you can re-refer yourself again and continue referring yourself weekly until you have an appointment offered to you. We do not operate a waiting list.
We provide counselling sessions at our Birmingham and Devon centres
We can refer you to one of our trainee counsellors.
You can have as many free sessions of Skype/Zoom counselling as you feel you need, however you can only access 12 sessions with the same trainee.
We will initially offer up to 12 free counselling sessions; you can then re-refer yourself for further sessions with a different trainee counsellor. Our trainee counsellors are in their final semester of training and completing their required placement hours to qualify so can only provide 12 sessions per client.
Should you require qualified counsellors, we can provide you with a list of our approved qualified counsellors and psychotherapists whose fees start at £20 per hour. You will need to email us and provide your name and a telephone number so the trainee counsellor can contact you to arrange your initial assessment and contracting session. From there, you will discuss a mutually beneficial and convenient time for further sessions.
This service is provided nationally and internationally within the legalities and ethics of the UK.
We are not providing face-to-face sessions at this time.
The mission statement of Health & Harmony: a low-cost counselling agency
We aim to provide Counselling for all who seek support, regardless of race, caste/class, culture, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, sexuality, gender, disability, age, or any other diversity that our trainee counsellors and clients present with/as.
We believe that counselling needs to be accessible for all, regardless of status or income, that providing a low-cost/free option encompasses and is inclusive for all.
We believe that to maintain equality, for mutual consideration it is £10 for face-to-face sessions in Birmingham - to ensure equality and balance if they are wanting to access face-to-face at one of our centres. Remote counselling is free.
That the trainee counsellor gives his/her time and their up-to-date knowledge and expertise and the client receives up-to-date techniques, counselling and support by trainee counsellors who have been signed off as competent from their training provider.
Our intention is to provide a safe confidential space for clients to
discuss their issues and difficulties within a non-judgemental setting, to be offered the opportunity to develop a trusting, honest and congruent therapeutic relationship, and to experience empathy and kindness, with a warm and transparent approach.

Supervised counselling sessions
You can be sure of a non-judgemental approach and also a confidential supportive session with a trainee counsellor who is in the process of completing 100 hours of supervised counselling sessions. There will not be anyone else at the sessions except you and the trainee counsellor. You will be expected to share, and explore, any difficulties you have. However, what you share and how much you wish to discuss is your decision. You will not be expected to talk about anything you do not wish to discuss.
All counselling sessions are £10 per session if you come to the centres, however, they are free if you attend remotely
We do not ask you about your financial situation, and we do not limit how many overall sessions you have
What you can expect with our free personal counselling
Our trainee counsellors have been trained to apply theory, so do not give advice. They have learned techniques to show you so you can become autonomous and learn how to apply these techniques to yourself. You will learn about yourself, what your blocks are, and how to make the changes in order to gain the life you want. ​
Our trainee counsellors work with issues that include:
Divorce and separation
Anxiety and depression
Relationship issues
Low self-esteem
Eating and sleeping difficulties
We can also help with many more different problems or difficulties that you may be experiencing.
Take the first step now
Perhaps you have been carrying this burden or pain for a long time? Whatever the problem or difficulty, perhaps now is the right time for you to find your answers — to free yourself from the worry, the hurt or the confusion. If the trainee counsellor cannot work with the issue that you bring, they will be able to refer you.
Contact us and let us help you get the lifestyle you want and deserve to have. This is a national service throughout the UK. As long as you can access the internet, we can provide remote counselling sessions with you. Most counsellors are trainees, in their final semester of training and looking to obtain their required 100 hours of placement. They have regular supervision.